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     Regal Law is here to help with your Civil Litigation Matter(s)

We understand that legal battles can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. At Regal Law, our lawyers strive to provide a timely resolution to your lawsuit, while answering any questions you may have with patience and professionalism. As our client, you can expect prompt and responsive service from our Law Firm. Rest assured that your rights and best interests will be protected if you choose Regal Law for your civil litigation matters or if you want to sue. We are available to discuss your case at our hotline number 416-857-6099 until 11 pm. We can help you in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Court of Appeal, Federal Court of Canada, and even in small claims court.

About Civil Litigation :

 This is a very broad area of the law and includes cases such as:

  • Superior Court Actions with Statement of Claim
  • Urgent Applications in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice
  • Urgent Motions
  • Urgent Motions for Certificate of Pending Litigations ( CPL Motions).
  • Real Estate Litigation ( Contractual Disputes if one party fails to close the transaction and Other Boundry Disputes.
  • Breach of Contract Disputes in Superior Court of Justice and Small Claims Court
  • Debt Recovery- Liquidated Debt, Promissory Note or Private Mortgages Power of Sale .
  • claims for monetary compensation for personal Injuries injuries caused by the negligence of others, including:
  • claims relating to Motor Vehicle Accidents, slips and Falls and Medical Malpractice.
  • Torts & Negligence Claims
  • Corporation Disputes
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Directors of a Corporation Disputes
  • Small Claims Court Matters


If you require urgent assistance with applications or motions, our lawyer has the necessary expertise and experience to help. This includes motions for a Certificate of Pending Litigation or urgent applications to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Please feel free to call us at 416-857-6099 or 416-424-4004. It is important to note the difference between actions and applications.at 416-857-6099 or 416-424-4004. It is important to note the difference between actions and applications.


REGAL LAW Barrister and Solicitor can help you with an urgent motion for a certificate of Pending litigation to be registered on the title of any real property you are claiming an interest in and are concerned it could be sold or disposed of.  This is a highly specialized field in civil litigation, and lawyer Faisal Hameed has the experience and expertise to bring this motion before Ontario Superior Court. please contact us as soon as possible should you wish to register a certificate of Pending litigation, commonly known as CPL. The motion must be brought in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Our lawyer will first analyze your situation and apply to law to determine if CPL is necessary or could be granted.


It’s important to understand the distinction between submitting an application and initiating an action to the Superior Court of Justice. Our legal team, consisting of experienced lawyers, can offer guidance on whether an application or an action via a Statement of Claim is necessary for your particular case. Trust us to provide you with the right advice and representation.

At REGAL LAW Barrister and Solicitor, we have extensive expertise in this area of law. While we always aim to resolve cases through negotiations, we have a proven track record of successfully representing our clients in trials and Motions.

At AL LAW Barrister and Solicitor, our Lawyer has expertise in this particular field of law and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. While our priority is to reach a resolution through negotiations, we have a strong track record of effectively representing our clients in both trials and motions. If you have any doubts about the merits of your case, our team of expert Civil Litigation lawyers are here to assist you.the merits of your case, our team of expert Civil Litigation lawyers are here to assist you.

Please note that the claims over $35,000 will go to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

Claims up to $ 250,000 will be dealt with under Simplified Rule 76 of the Rules of Civil Procedure

Claims up to $35,000.00 will proceed in the Ontario Small Claims Court, which is the branch of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

We help both the Plaintiffs and the Defendants.

Call at 416-424-4004 or 416-857-6099 to schedule an appointment.